Friday, November 20, 2009

Top 5 Questions Regarding Health Care "Reform"

This weekend the U.S. Senate will vote on a 2,076 page monstrosity of a healthcare reform bill, which raises some questions:

1. Has any Senator had time to read this bill, which was drafted Pulitburo style, behind closed doors, out of sight of the American people and not posted for all to see?

2. How can gutting $490 billion out of Medicare over the next 10 years "make it stronger?"

3. How can insuring millions more without increasing the number doctors reduce costs, improve quality and increase access?

4. If healthcare is in such a crisis, why is Congress waiting four years for the "reforms" to take effect?

5. Is there any Constitutional authority for Congress to force (by fine and/or imprisonment) U.S. citizens to buy something they don't want?

Bonus Questions:

6. If this "reform" is so exceptional, why is Congress exempting itself from participation in its grand plan for the rest of us?

7. Doesn't Congress's refusal to participate in its own healthcare reforms tell us everything we need to know about the quality of the healthcare we expect from this reform?

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